Rehabilitation Services
Caring Restorative Therapy
The newest addition to our Grace Village campus is the short-stay recovery and outpatient rehabilitation services center. You will feel comfortable in your spacious, private recovery suite which has a private bath with shower, flat-screen TV equipped with satellite and “plug & go” internet service, plus plenty of room for family and friends to visit.
You can communicate your needs immediately with our voice-to-voice instant communication system in addition to call lights. The rehabilitation service center also gives you access to a library and lounge with internet access and an elegant dining room with a fireplace. And when the weather is nice you can enjoy the private courtyard patio!

Flexibility. Mobility. Recovery.
Our mission is to provide you with the highest quality therapy with a team that gives you individualized care specific to your needs and goals. Our ultimate goal is to return you to your prior functional independence level after any injury or illness.
Our therapy team specializes in dementia care therapy and fall prevention. Our speech therapy team is certified in neuromuscular electrical stimulation. Grace Village has been awarded the Best Short-Term Rehabilitation in the area by US News and World Report.

Occupational Therapy
Occupational therapy uses goal-directed activity to evaluate and treat those who have impaired function caused by normal aging, illness, injury, or developmental disability. Therapeutic activities are designed to assist individuals in adapting to their social and physical environments through mastery of essential tasks.
Common Occupational Therapy Goals

Physical Therapy
Physical therapists help patients with orthopedic problems such as lower back pain, hip or shoulder surgeries, or injuries to reduce pain or regain function. Physical therapists also assist patients recovering from a stroke in learning to use their limbs and walk again.
In today’s health care system, physical therapists are the experts in the examination and treatment of musculoskeletal and neuromuscular problems that affect a patient’s ability to move and function the way they want in their daily lives.
Common Physical Therapy Goals

Speech Therapy
Speech therapy is the study, diagnosis, and treatment of defects of the voice and spoken/written communication. Some of the diagnoses for long-term care include Apraxia, Dysphagia, Aphasia, therapy for TIA, and therapy for TBI.
Treatment goals include reducing the disability, education, and counseling on how to cope with the stress associated with speech and communication disorders.
Common Speech Therapy Goals
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Embracing Your Community
A Warm Welcome For All Seniors 55+
Grace Village is a Christian community designed to make anyone 55+ immediately feel at home, no matter their faith background.
For 50 years we have been dedicated to preserving the richness of life and helping seniors live to their fullest potential in a comfortable, secure Christian community
Will Medicare pay for my stay?
After a 3 midnight qualifying stay in the hospital, individuals having Medicare are qualified for up to a 100 day benefit period.
How does my Medicare supplemental insurance help?
Medicare will pay for the first 20 days of your benefit in full (100%) and the remaining 80 have a nationwide Medicare co-pay amount (the amount Medicare will not pay) of $128/day, which most Medicare supplemental insurance plans cover (each person would have to call his own insurance carrier to verify benefits). Medicare supplemental insurance plans pay when Medicare pays and won’t pay when Medicare stops paying.
How many days a week will I receive therapy?
Residents will receive therapy 5 to 6 days a week.
Will I receive Physical Therapy and Occupational Therapy? What about Speech Therapy?
You will receive therapy according to what your physician orders. Most residents coming to our Rehab Center receive at least Physical and Occupational therapy.
Will I get 100 days?
Medicare allows UP TO a 100 day benefit period. Medicare (and any Medicare Supplemental insurance) will pay up to 100 days as long as an individual is making progress in therapy or is receiving some other skilled nursing service.
What is the average length of stay in the Rehab Center?
The average length of stay in our Rehab Center is between 4-6 weeks; however, it is your physician’s decision as to when you can be discharged.
Can I visit my loved one during a therapy session?
Yes! Our therapy department would love to have you visit your loved one during a therapy session. This not only encourages your loved one, but also allows the therapists to get your input as well.
How will my doctor know about my progress?
After your therapist has completed your initial evaluation, he will develop an individualized plan of care with specific goals. This plan of care is sent to your physician for his approval. Our facility will let your doctor know how well you are progressing toward your goals. More frequent updates will be sent to your physician upon his request. It is his decision as to when you are ready to be discharged.
How will I know when I’m getting close to discharge?
The therapists will keep you, as well as your family, updated on your progress. The social worker will plan for your discharge the closer you get to achieving your therapy goals.
After I discharge, what services are available to me?
There are several services available to you when you are discharged. Your social worker will discuss with you, and your family, the needs you have and arrange for services according to those needs. Some of the services available are outpatient therapy at Grace Village, Home Health Care, LifeLine, and Meals on Wheels.
If I need outpatient therapy, does my insurance cover it?
If you have Medicare Part B, it will pay 80% of outpatient therapy charges. Most Medicare Supplemental insurance plans will cover the remaining 20%; however, each person would need to call his insurance carrier and verify benefits.
How do I schedule my appointment?
After you have an order from your physician for outpatient therapy, just call 574-372-6372 to schedule your first appointment.
What do I bring to my first appointment?
You will need to bring the physician’s order for outpatient therapy and your insurance card(s) with you to your first appointment.
What should I wear to my therapy appointments?
We suggest wearing anything comfortable which would allow you to have full movement of all of your extremities.
How long are my therapy sessions?
Each therapy session last approximately 1 hour.